Simply how do we expect to be respected whereas we don't respect the very simple definition of humanity which is "respect and caring". Only great people who give without getting. There are so many people in the world don't have food or even water. And in some other countries, there is plenty of wasted food and water. Sharing is the best way to value what you have. We don't care about where are you from, who you are, what do you work. We care about you, cause you are a human being. And you deserve that, IT IS YOUR RIGHT.
I asked myself a question which is, WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY?! BY GIVING OR GETTING?!..Well by logic , when you get something. That makes you really happy. But if you give someone something?!, That will make you much happier. Then the more you give the much happiness you get. So getting is not the effective way to be happy, BUT giving is the best way to be happy.
If you were him, would you quit your job to help the others?