Example no. 1
If a thief decided to steal a wallet from someone or even a steal or rob someone's house to get money and feed his family. Do you think his end justifies the mean, do you think his purpose forgive his mean. To be honest, I don't accept this. Like that man who has been robbed didn't find his money on the streets, he has worked hard to get the money to feed his family. And it's not fair to just let some other one steal his own money from him for no reason , so in this case "the end doesn't justify the mean" .
Example no. 2
We all know that lying is a real bad thing, and it gets us into real problems but let's just say that you have real two friends, they got into a fight somehow, and everyone called you to tell you what happened in his own point of view. And you cannot lose them and you know that they are really good people and they fought for something stupid. And everyone asked you about the other person if he had spoken about him badly or not. What would you say?, If you told the truth which is kinda right, you would make it hard to fix the problem between them. But you decided to lie on both to not make the problem any bigger here we call it "the end justifies the mean" that you used the "lie" to fix the problem between your friends and you didn't harm or cheated on anyone. That is the pure purpose.
Do you think that "the end justifies the mean" ?