I call this kind of people "mocking tongues". Because simply they have nothing but a tongue who whip every single person their eyes see. That kind of people don't usually have some friends for a long time, I don't know why. But I assume that they are a bit arrogant and nobody is good enough for them, still wondering though. By mocking someone, you are trying to prove that you are exist but in a rude way. I believe that the point of mocking someone or making fun of him is just to prove to the others that you are EXIST, and you are the best. Trying to prove that at least you don't do such things that the others do.
Everyone has something inside him, maybe many of us haven't found it yet. But this doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It exists inside you, maybe it is unseen or you haven't discovered it yet. But I believe that one day we all will rediscover ourselves. And simply what is the point of making fun of someone? To laugh?. There are so many ways to laugh. If you really want to laugh, you can just look in the mirror and look at your "funny" face and start making fun of it. No body will blame you, once you do this. You will realize that it is really annoying. At least, someone is sad and upset, just because of you. Because simply nobody will be happy by being mocked.
What would you do if someone tried to mock you?!